Choose the path that's right for you!

  • Can I earn more than one certificate?

    If you want to get the complete certification, the Administrator Certificate is the path for you. Getting the Administration Certification shows that you are truly the "Master of Your (Virtuous) Domain." The other certificates are specialized sub-certificates and only use designated course material for that department or area. For example, the Finance Certification focuses on Virtuous skills someone working in the accounting/budgeting department might need, but doesn't include any material about marketing, because that wouldn't be part of their day-to-day activity in Virtuous. But if you get the Administrator Certification, that covers all your areas. That way, you don't need to take multiple tests - because let's face it, final exams are one thing no one misses about high school! We encourage you to learn as much about working in Virtuous as you can. If you're thinking of getting more than one certificate, we'd suggest going big and becoming a Certified Virtuous Administrator.

  • Do I have to complete all of the courses before I can take a certification test?

    Nope! If you feel like you have a good mastery of the material, jump right in and take the test. If you find that you have difficulty with the test, then you can always enroll in any course to brush up on your Virtuous knowledge.

  • Will I have to re-certify, or is my certificate good for life?

    The Virtuous platform is growing and evolving quickly. To stay up-to-date on the latest functionality you need to re-certify after one year.