Course curriculum

    1. Virtuous Basics Course Introduction

    2. Navigating Virtuous CRM

    1. Getting Started with Contacts and Individuals

    2. What Is a Contact?

    3. What Are Individuals?

    4. Understanding Contact and Individual Data

    5. How well do you know Contacts and Individuals?

    1. Contact Names and Informal Names

    2. Manually Creating a Contact

    3. Adding an Individual to a Contact

    4. All About Addresses

    5. What Are Contact Methods?

    6. Adding and Viewing Avatars

    7. What Are Social Insights?

    8. Practice in the Platform – Adding and Editing Contacts

    9. Practice in the Platform – Adding and Editing Contacts, Scenario 1

    10. Practice in the Platform – Adding and Editing Contacts, Scenario 2

    11. Practice in the Platform – Adding and Editing Contacts, Scenario 3

    12. Show what you know about Adding and Editing Contacts

    1. Viewing and Customizing the Contact Header

    2. Viewing and Customizing the Activity Feed

    3. Viewing and Customizing the Contact Overview

    4. Show what you know about Navigating a Record

    1. What Are Relationships?

    2. Creating Relationships

    3. Understanding Relationship Types

    4. Customizing Relationship Types

    5. Using Relationship Data in Queries

    6. How well do you know Relationships?

    1. What Are Tags?

    2. Adding and Removing Tags

    3. Creating New Tags

    4. Using Tags in Filters and Queries

    5. How well do you know Tags?

About this course

  • 47 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Meet Your Course Instructors

Director of User Experience & Research Scott Richards

Scott is the Director of User Experience & Research at Virtuous, though he's been involved in nearly all facets of Virtuous over the years. Previously the head of training at WealthEngine, Scott has spent over a decade teaching a variety of nonprofits how to make the best use of technology solutions. Prior to becoming a trainer, he has spent time working with and for a number of nonprofit organizations over the years, stuffing envelopes for mailings, telefundraising, assisting with live events, and connecting with donors of all sorts.