Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Admin and Virtuous

    1. Editing a Recurring Gift

    2. Issuing Refunds

    3. Understanding Failed Transactions

    4. Reissuing Receipts

    5. Using the Virtual Terminal

    6. How Much Do You Know About Managing Transactions?

    1. Setting Up the Integration

    2. What Data Syncs?

    3. Virtuous > RaiseDonors Campaign Best Practices

    4. How Much Do You Know About the Virtuous and RaiseDonors Integration?

    1. How Well Do You Understand RaiseDonors Admin and the Virtuous Integration?

    2. What's Next?

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Your Course Instructor

Senior Training Specialist Amy Vitulli

Amy has been an educator since 2006. In her role as Senior Training Specialist at Virtuous, she helps non-profits understand the intricacies of Virtuous and how they can use it to strengthen their organization. Amy lives in rural North Carolina with her family.